Thai Chicken Powder Soup Noodle 300g Noodle Soup Powder Chicken


Ingredients: salt, sugar, spices (garlic powder, onionpowder, white pepper powder, turmeric powder), 7% chicken flavor powder (SOY sauce powder, salt, tapioca starch, sugar, chicken flavor), SOY bean sauce (fermented SOY sauce powder , hydrolyzed plant protein, dextrose, sugar, maltodextrin, caramel powder, anti-caking agent (E554), flavor enhancer (E635)). Preparation: boil 10 l of water, add the noodle soup powder and let it cook for a while, then ready to serve with noodles and chicken.

能源 980kJ/234kcal
Fat 2,3g.
Of which saturated fat 0g.
Carbohydrates 49,8g.
Of which sugars 26g.
Protein 3,7g.
Salt 38,01g.

Country of origin: Thailand

Tax included.